Saturday 20 April 2013

My wife, Kim, came to visit me after a couple of weeks and i chatted to her about the possibility of staying in the rehab and completing the 12 step program. I was concerned she would freak out having our 2 young children to look after. On the contrary she was very supportive and told me to do what i need to do in order to get better. It was a huge relief to have her support and i am forever grateful.
Now that i could concentrate on my recovery without outside stresses, my life became much simpler. It is amazing how many distractions our lives are filled with in this technological day and age. I was not missing my phone at all, it really was a pleasure.
I kept pretty much to myself and observed what the program had to teach. It's amazingly simple..
Let go, let God, help others... That's it.
That's all you have to do. Get out of your diseased, self-important, warped mind and help somebody else for a change.. Come to believe in a higher power, or at least become willing to believe. I could not believe what was being suggested. Could it honestly be that simple. I immediately got to work.. Help others and try and stay away from the sniveling, self important victim i had become.
And just like life changed.

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