Tuesday 16 April 2013

I had once again been thrown out of the house.. i was so drunk i could not string a sentence together. I was at my mothers house once again. This time i had an ultimatum.. go to rehab or say goodbye to your family  I had used all my lifelines up with my wife Kim. She was not going to compromise this time.. i was in the deep shit.
 I have the most beautiful children and the thought of losing them and having them grow up without a father was killing me inside. I was cornered, i had no more options left, i had hit rock bottom. I was a failure as a father, husband and son. It was all over, i dropped everything and checked into rehab.
 I had no idea what to expect but i was scared.. I was told the program took 3 months..!! A quarter of a year.. holly shit. I was adamant i did not need such a severe consequence for my alcoholism. I was going to spend 21 days and not a day more. not one day more.

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