Tuesday 16 April 2013

I started smoking at age 9. By the age of about 14 i was inhaling butane gas, sucking on carbon tetnichloride  and munching pericon tablets. Pericon was a cold and flu remedy that if you took 2 would alleviate the symptoms but if you took 20 you would hallucinate for a good few hours.
 The army was my introduction to marijuana  this particular drug became a firm favorite for the next 25 years.. i was a staunch stoner. Yeh man.
The army found me trying to inhale diesel from the fuel tanks of the trucks, this worked to some extent but left me with a horrendous headache.I ended up on AWOL for about 6 months of my two year mandatory national service.. I hated everything that had to do with conformity.. everything.!
My anarchistic nature is synonymous with people of an addictive nature, it runs thick in our screaming veins.

After the completion of the army i became a fully active addict.. a nightmare i wish i could remember in order to forget, if that makes any sense...
I had been running a familly bar for 20 years often indulging in cocaine, mushrooms, disco buiscuits etc.. anything to escape my reallity, my life. I hated this life, i had been dealt a shit hand and everybody else was to blame...
So 3 children, all girls thank God, and my marriage in tatters i ended up in rehab... fuck

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